Navigating Back-to-School Chaos: A Mom's Guide to Preparation, Survival, and Success
Alright, who stole my summer? It went too fast, y’all, WAY too fast! And around here, as I’m guessing on your end too, we are now finding ourselves diving headfirst into the whirlwind of back-to-school preparations. From gathering supplies to managing schedules and navigating the logistics of extracurricular activities, the journey is both exciting and, let’s be honest, quite overwhelming. But take a breath - we are in this together! In this blog post, we’ll go over tips and tricks to not only get the kiddos and family ready for school but also steps to survive those crucial first days and the hustle of extracurriculars (it’s love-hate for me with extracurriculars, I tell you!), even with multiple kiddos in tow.
1. Preparing for the School Year Ahead:
Stock Up on Supplies: As early as you can, start by creating a comprehensive shopping list that includes everything from pencils and notebooks to backpacks and lunchboxes. Shopping early can help you avoid the last-minute rush and ensure your kids have everything they need on the first day. Pro tip: if you have enough space, take advantage of sales and buy now what you’ll need next year (no, of course you don’t have the full list for next year… but do schools ever not ask for 50,000 sticks of Elmer’s glue?).
Establish Routines: Start reintroducing a consistent bedtime and morning now, in advance of the school start. Gradually adjusting sleep schedules and morning activities can make the transition smoother for both you and your children.
Organize the Chaos: Designate a central area for backpacks, shoes, and other school-related items. A simple organizational system can save you precious time on busy mornings.
2. Surviving the First Few Days:
Communicate, communicate, communicate: Encourage your kids to talk about their feelings and expectations for the new school year. New friends? New homeroom? New teacher? Address any anxieties they might have and remind them of the positive experiences they've had in the past. This is an important time to also remind them that they’ve succeeded in the past because they are resilient and you’ve got their back.
Celebrate Small Wins: Celebrate the accomplishments of the first few days, whether it's successfully catching the bus or making new friends. A (prepped-in-advance) special dinner on the first day can tell your kiddos how excited you are for them (… to be out of the house… no, no, no, don’t say that part! LOL!). Really, a positive mindset can set the tone for a successful school year ahead.
Plan Special Activities: Consider planning a special meal or outing after the first week to reward your family for a successful start. It's a great way to bond and build excitement around the new routine.
3. Navigating the Logistics of Extracurriculars:
Create a Master Calendar: Maintain a digital or physical calendar that tracks all family members' schedules. For me, it’s on Excel. I wrestle with it the weeks before class and sometimes the first week of school; then I print it and we all have access to it on the fridge. Color-coding for each child's activities can help you visualize the week at a glance.
Sync Schedules: If possible, choose extracurricular activities that align with one another in terms of timing and location. This can minimize transportation challenges and give you more breathing room. And prioritize! Yes, our kids could be amazing astronauts, writers, and soccer players… but not all on the same day. To save your sanity, think of what is most salient to your kids and your family’s schedule, budget, etc., right now. If your kids are old enough, they can rank order what they’d prefer, with the understand that adults make final decisions.
Delegate Responsibilities: Depending on your kids' ages, involve them in managing their own schedules. Encouraging them to pack their own bags and get ready for their activities promotes independence.
Prioritize Self-Care: Don't forget to schedule moments for yourself amidst the chaos. We are not talking about a spa day. We are talking about your favorite coffee before everyone wakes up, a drink with your partner when the kids are down for the evening, or a short walk during your lunch hour. Self-care is key to maintaining your own well-being.
Remember, you've got this, mom! Back-to-school season may be demanding, but with thoughtful preparation, effective communication, and a touch of organization, you can navigate these waters with confidence. Cherish the small victories and remember that you have a crew of us right here with you!