Navigating the Summer Rollercoaster: Embracing the Chaos and Chillin' with All the Feels
Ah, summer – the season of pool lounging, ice cream cones, and sun-kissed memories. But let's get real, moms, while our Instagram feed might be filled with picture-perfect summer moments, the reality is often a bit more of a sh*tshow. From balancing work emails to the near divorce that happens every time you try to drag everybody out of the house for some fun, to feeling like your partner's summer vibe is set to "Chill Mode," it's time to kick back, sip that margarita, and embrace every crazy emotion that rises in us.
Riding the Emotion Express
Summer FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): It’s real, isn’t? The worry that we’ll miss the epic summer moments can hit real hard. And it’s normal and ok to feel a pang of FOMO when you see everybody else’s summer pics on social media. Because as your friend has gone camping 10 times this summer, the only thing you’ve done 10 times is pick up the legos off the living room floor this morning. Yet, it is important to remember that, to our kids, every silly dance party is just as exciting as the fanciest getaway.
Work and Mom-Life Balancing Act: Yeah, you woke up at 6am, but it is 10 am, and all you’ve done is pick up toys, change diapers, prepare breakfast, and run loads of laundry. Trying to balance conference calls and superhero splashdowns is the ultimate multitasking challenge! That guilt you're feeling for not being the Pinterest-perfect mom all day, every day? It's got an expiration date. You're doing a serious juggling act, and that's pretty darn impressive.
Summer Jealousy? It's a Thing: As your partner enjoys some downtime, you might find yourself in the midst of sibling bickering duty or making sure popsicles stay intact and meltdown-free. Jealousy might creep in, but here's the deal: parenting roles vary for everyone. And communication is key here. Your journey will not look like your partner’s… what are they good at? what are you good at? Can you turn that awareness into a balancing act? You have your unique parenting groove, and it's absolutely valid.
Surviving the Summer Feels
1. Cheers to Emotions: Toast to the whirlwind of feelings! The joy, the exasperation, and even those moments when you just want to sneak a nap. They're all a normal part of this summertime adventure, even if they are not showing up on our IG feeds.
2. Tap into Community: Call in reinforcements! Dealing with the summer madness is one thing; dealing with the summer madness with a friend who is also dealing with the summer madness is a whole other ballgame. You need a village, and friends, family, or fellow mom warriors can be a lifeline.
3. Expectations, Schmexpectations: Screw Pinterest. Ditch your ideals of perfection. Real life doesn't need filters, and your family memories? The chaos is like seasoning that makes them extra magical. :-P
4. Me Time is a Must: To the extent possible, carve out a few moments a day for yourself… five minutes will do. But here’s a ground rule: you can’t use them for anything but yourself. A book, painting your nails, a nap, a craft that you have pending all count. And you deserve them!
5. Talk It Out: Believe me: your good friends are or have been there…. an honest call can do wonders to soothing the Godzilla that comes up when we’ve said the saaaaame thing 15 times or are just DONE with picking up stuff off the floor. Further, a heart-to-heart with your partner about your summer feels can also help. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work, even when the dream is surviving the summer.
6. Hooray for Small Wins: Did the summer scavenger hunt not make the cut? No worries! Give yourself a round of applause for the water gun fight you nailed instead. Those are memories that truly stand the test of time.
Your Uniquely Awesome Mom Journey
So, to sum up, mamas – summer can feel like an emotional obstacle course, but it is a course that is YOURS and yours alone. Don’t compare your journey (or mess!) to anyone else’s. To begin with, because, even when we are talking about your bestie, you don’t have the full picture. Let the emotions flow, rock those summer shades, and remember the you are the captain of this boat, and the waves are all part of the wild ride.
In the big scheme of things, summer is just another chapter in your mom story. So, put on some sunscreen (don't forget the kids' feet… unless you want to be up all night), crank up the sprinkler tunes, and dive into the splashy fun – feelings, chaos, and all!